1. Overview
  2. Advanced Setup
  3. Creating Tool - Adding & Removing Tags

Creating Tool - Adding & Removing Tags



Using AI Assistant to Apply Tags and Trigger Workflows


To provide a clear, step-by-step guide for team members on how to utilize AI to apply tags and trigger workflows in the Go High Level platform. This SOP aims to minimize misunderstandings and errors while maximizing productivity and accuracy in task execution.

Key Steps

  1. Log In to Go High Level

    • Access your Go High Level account.

    • Navigate to the specific sub-account where you want to implement the AI assistance.

  2. Access AI Assistant

    • Click on the "Assistant" submenu.

    • Select "Assistant" to view available assistants.

  3. Select an Assistant

    • Choose any assistant you wish to use for tagging and workflow triggering.

  4. Add Tools and Settings

    • Click on "Tools and Settings" located on the right-hand side.

    • Select "Tools and Abilities."

    • Click on "Add Tool."

  5. Ensure Pre-built Tools are Assigned

    • Confirm that you have at least a couple of pre-built tools assigned for the tagging process to work correctly.

  6. Create a New Tag

    • Click on "Add Tag."

    • Choose "Create New Tool" and then select "Add Tag."

    • Assign a unique name to the tag (e.g., "Add Tag New").

    • Write a clear description starting with "Use this tool" to instruct the assistant.

  7. Configure the Tag Prompt

    • In the prompt, tailor the greeting to ask the user for their name.

    • After receiving the name, use the tag by typing: use_tool_add_tag_new (ensure underscores are used).

  8. Assign a Phone Number

    • Navigate back to the assistant settings.

    • Assign a phone number to the assistant for testing purposes.

  9. Test the AI Assistant

    • Dial the assigned number to initiate a conversation with the AI assistant.

    • Confirm that the assistant successfully captures the user's name and adds the tag.

  10. Create Automation Workflow

    • Go to the "Automations" section.

    • Start a new workflow from scratch.

    • Set up a trigger based on the tag edit (e.g., "Contact Tag").

  11. Define Actions in Workflow

    • Specify actions to take place when the tag is applied, such as sending an email or SMS.

    • If needed, configure another AI to take over by using the "Make AI Call" function and inputting the assistant ID.

  12. Save Your Workflow

    • Ensure all changes are saved to finalize the workflow setup.

Cautionary Notes

  • Always double-check that the tag name and prompt syntax are correct; errors can prevent the assistant from functioning as intended.

  • Ensure that all necessary tools are pre-built and assigned before starting the tagging process.

  • Test the assistant thoroughly after setup to confirm that it behaves as expected.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Use clear and descriptive names for tags to avoid confusion later on.

  • Document any specific scenarios or workflows that are commonly used for easy reference.

  • Regularly review and update the SOP as new features or tools become available in the GoHigh Level platform.

  • Encourage team members to share feedback on the process to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

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