1. Overview
  2. Advanced Setup
  3. Set up Custom Voicemail

Set up Custom Voicemail



Setting Up a Custom Voicemail for AI Assistant


To provide a clear and concise guide for team members to set up a custom voicemail for an AI assistant, ensuring that the correct message is left when calls go to voicemail. This SOP aims to minimize misunderstandings and errors while maximizing productivity and accuracy in task execution.

Key Steps

  1. Access the Assistant Menu

    • Log in to the system.

    • Navigate to the "Assistants" menu.

  2. Select the Assistant

    • Choose the specific assistant you want to configure for leaving a voicemail.

  3. Open Call Settings

    • Locate and click on "Call Settings" on the right-hand side of the screen.

  4. Enable Voicemail Detection

    • Find the option for "Voicemail Detection" and enable it.

  5. Set Up the Voicemail Message

    • In the designated text box, type the exact voicemail message you want the assistant to leave.

      • Example: "Please contact me when possible at 123-456-7890."

    • Ensure the message is relevant to your business needs.

  6. Save Changes

    • Click the "Save" button to store your custom voicemail settings.

  7. Select Language Processor (if necessary)

    • If you require the voicemail to be in a different language, go to the settings menu.

    • Choose the appropriate language processor (e.g., French, Dutch, Portuguese, German, Spanish) to ensure accurate message delivery.

Cautionary Notes

  • Double-check the voicemail message for clarity and professionalism before saving.

  • Ensure that the selected language processor matches the language of the voicemail message.

  • Test the voicemail feature after setup to confirm that the message is being delivered correctly.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Draft your voicemail message in advance to streamline the setup process.

  • Use a template for common messages to save time on future configurations.

  • Regularly review and update voicemail messages to keep them relevant and effective.

  • Consider setting a reminder to check voicemail settings periodically to ensure they are still aligned with current business needs.

Link to Loom


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